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Fairy Tale Gardens

February 21, 2012

Sorry I missed posting last night. My Internet was on the fritz.

Seven days left until I publish the next story, Puckette 4: Sophie Quinn and the Corpse. I know I’m publishing them out of order, but Puckette 2 & 3 just aren’t ready yet. I’ll publish Puckette 2: Sophie Quinn and the Witches on March 28, 2012, and Puckette 3: Sophie Quinn and the Goblin Market on April 28. Then Puckette 5: Sophie Quinn and the Beast will come out on May 28.

I’m about to load a new .doc version of Puckette 1 that I hope will fix the paragraph formatting. I don’t why the formatting goes all wonky on the older Kindles when I load .ePub files, but if this works then no future purchases/downloads will have the problem. I apologize if you already bought the story on an older Kindle.

In Puckette 2 I have a garden that I want to improve, so I researched gardens yesterday. By research, I mean I inspected pictures and videos very closely and made notes. I looked at El Jardin de las Delicias by El Bosco (, Willy Wonka’s candy garden (both film versions) ( (, and Pearl Fryar’s topiary garden ( I also looked at fruit, vegetable, herb, and flower gardens.

I like the abstract shapes of the pink and blue buildings in the background of El Jardin de las Delicias and the shapes of Pearl’s topiaries. Both look very fae. However, I’m designing a garden for faery witches who are hiding out in the real world. So, I don’t want the descriptions to get too out of hand. I love the responses of the characters in the Wonka videos; they’re perfect for Hansel and Gretel. All of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has a Hansel and Gretel feel to it that I never noticed until now. Okay, I’m really craving some candy or cookies. Happy Mardi Gras/Pancake Day!

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